LED bulbs are very popular now as it saves much energy than CFL bulbs.But LED bulbs are more expensive than CFL bulbs.But with a little knowledge on electronics anyone can make a LED bulb at home.This may cost about 5$. Things you will need #1. Sockets from a CFL bulb to protect all the electronics #2. Electronic parts for the circuit (The details part numbers are given below of this post) #3. 50nos of 5mm LED bulbs #4. Small piece of dot board or vero board #5 .A soldering iron and soldering wire #6 .Some wire #7.A drill or a tool for drilling #8 .Some small screws (Optional) #9. A hot gun or a very sticky glue #10 .2-3 hours of time 1st Step Take your dot board and cut it into small stripes.About 1cm * 7cm.The dot board is recommended in here as it can properly hold the LEDs.But you can also use anything you want which can hold the LEDs when soldiered. Here for the 50 LED bulb 7 stripes are used ,5 LEDs per stripe and 15 LEDs for the bottom).You c...